Browse to C:\Autodesk\ArtCAM_Premium_2018_ML_Win_64bit_dlm on your computer.
If the Autodesk ArtCAM Premium 2018 installer starts automatically, click Exit, followed by Yes to cancel the installation process. The created ArtCAM_Premium_2018_ML_Win_64bit_dlm folder is 1.39 GB (1,496,334,336 bytes) in size on disk. Click OK to extract the installer to C:\Autodesk on your computer. Right-click the downloaded ArtCAM_Premium_2018_ML_Win_64bit_ file, then select the Run as administrator context menu option. The downloaded ArtCAM_Premium_2018_ML_Win_64bit_ file is 576 MB (604,745,728 bytes) in size on disk. Download the Autodesk ArtCAM Premium 2018 installer from your Autodesk Account using the Browser Download method. Complete a clean uninstall of Autodesk ArtCAM Premium 2018 from your computer. I recommend that you complete the following steps: What work are you concerned about losing? Please provide further information so that I can advise you accordingly. What build of Autodesk ArtCAM Premium 2018 are you working in? To confirm this, select the Help > About Autodesk ArtCAM menu option in your ArtCAM software. This allows a selected face or group of faces to be replaced with another face or group of faces, either from the same solid or from a separate solid or surface model.Hi time I try to open the component library I get this error.I tried to Reinstall but it's asking to remove old version,I don't want to loose my work. The most important new option in PowerSHAPE’s direct modelling functionality is “Replace Face”.
At the same time, the combination of quick and easy direct modelling options, together with powerful and flexible surface modelling, makes PowerSHAPE the perfect choice for design for manufacture, especially when converting product designs into tooling designs. The broad range of functionality makes PowerSHAPE ideal for the re-engineering of existing products into improved designs or for creating specialised items. Having all the different technologies in the same package reduces the need to transfer data between multiple programs and so streamlines the whole product development process. PowerSHAPE provides the most comprehensive range of modelling techniques available in a single CAD program.